The purpose of this Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data is to fulfill the disclosure obligation imposed by Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (hereinafter referred to as KVKK) with respect to the use of personal data obtained and/or received from third parties during the use of Mobilina OU (hereinafter referred to as “bovita”). In addition, it aims to transparently inform users about the ways in which personal data collected by bovita, either through positive actions of the users themselves or their interactions with the bovita platform, are collected, the purposes of processing, the legal reasons, and their rights.

Data Controller

In accordance with KVKK, your personal data; It will be collected and processed by bovita, as the data controller, within the scope explained below.

Personal Data Collected

bovita collects various static (fixed) and dynamic (variable) data from Users with the methods specified below. The data collected by bovita depends on the services and features Users use. Here is a summary of the personal data collected:

  •  Identity and Contact Information: Name, surname, mobile phone, e-mail address, date of birth, age, gender information.
  •  Authentication Information: Users’ membership information, passwords used to verify identity and access the account, membership type, social media accounts, User numbers.
  •  Nutrition and Health Data: Height, weight, fat rate, information about your body measurements and body index, information about food consumption, eating and drinking habits such as smoking and alcohol, exercise and movement information, number of steps, mobile device health data, smart scale information ( muscle mass, basal metabolic rate, bone mass, water mass, protein ratio, body age), amount of water drunk.
  •  Usage Data and Favorites: Data collected from your devices through various software and technological tools, including but not limited to your reasons for calling bovita or call centers, reservation codes, voice recordings, content destination search information, date and time data when bovita was used, foods viewed on bovita. In order for users to be directed to the relevant product and product supplier companies to communicate with the user through modules such as , calorie information, banner redirection, the data specified in the relevant advertisement or banner, comments written on the contents, survey results offered by bovita, use of calculation tools, bovita last login date, membership type. , websites visited, number of pages viewed, duration of visit, search terms entered, errors occurring during service use and similar problems.
  •  Site Traffic and Cookie Data: Browser information, IP and port data, browser movements, browser selection information and all data that can be obtained through cookies, device ID number, advertising ID number.

Where is Personal Data Stored and Processed?

Your personal data we obtain are stored on domestic or international servers owned by Bovita and Mobilina OU, which provides this platform, or by its affiliates, subsidiaries or cooperating service providers, and for the purposes of this Information Text. and may be processed in proportion to these purposes. Your personal data collected within the scope of this Information text will be processed in accordance with the provisions herein and within the scope of the legislation in force in the country where the data is stored and processed and within the prescribed security measures.

For what purpose will personal data be processed?

In line with the purposes stated in the information text and the Terms of Use Agreement, your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Principles and Processing Conditions regulated by KVKK No. 6698 and for the purposes detailed below:

Identity and Contact Information

Pursuant to Article 5/2-c of the KVKK for the purpose of execution of bovita Terms of Use and bovita membership Agreements, internal evaluation, communication, user registration, development of after-sales processes, business development, collection, customer portfolio management, especially as required by the service contract, promotion, analysis, complaint management, managing customer satisfaction processes, marketing, advertising, research, billing, event information, execution of operational activities, measurement and development of service quality, audit, control, optimization, customer verification, marketing, sales, advertising, after-sales Pursuant to Article 5/2-f of the KVKK, since data processing is mandatory for services, detection and prevention of fraud and the legitimate interest of the company.

Authentication Information

Pursuant to Article 5/2-c of the KVKK, primarily for the purpose of protecting the personal data of users, and pursuant to Article 5/2-c of the KVKK for the execution of contracts,

User registration, problem/error notification, control, development and execution of operational activities, development of after-sales processes, business development, collection, internal evaluation, customer portfolio management, measurement of service quality, communication, optimization, audit, risk management, audit, customer Based on Article 5/2-f of the KVKK, since data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interest of the company for the purpose of verification, detection and prevention of fraud.

Nutrition and Health Data

In accordance with the Bovita Membership Agreement, in which the relevant persons record their information for the purpose of using their nutritional level, and also pursuant to Article 6/2 of the KVKK.

Usage Data and Favorites

User registration, problem/error reporting, control, execution and development of operational activities, after-sales services and development of after-sales processes, business development, collection, in-company evaluation, online behavioral advertising and marketing, customer portfolio management, measurement and development of service quality, communication, optimization, auditing, risk management and control, promotion, analysis, determining areas of interest, scoring, profiling, marketing, sales, advertising, communication, carrying out complaint management processes, registration, problem/error reporting.

Site Traffic and Cookie Data

Based on KVKK Art. 5/2-a, as it is clearly stipulated in Article 4 (Liability of the Hosting Provider) of the “Law on Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications” No. 5651,

Functional cookies that help you improve your browsing experience on the site and remember your preferences, and cookies that help us see which of our pages attract more attention, which resources are viewed more, enable us to provide services appropriate to this traffic by seeing the traffic on our sites, due to the consents received from the user and the necessity of data processing in the legitimate interest of the company. Based on Article 5/2-f of KVKK.

Storage Period of Personal Data

bovita will retain the personal data it obtains for as long as necessary for the purposes for which they are processed, as outlined in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use Agreement, to ensure that Users can benefit from the Service to the fullest extent possible, and to fulfill the obligations arising from the nature of the Terms of Use Agreement.

In addition, in case of any dispute that may arise from the Terms of Use Agreement, bovita will be able to store personal data for the limited purpose of carrying out administrative or judicial processes within the scope of the dispute and for the limitation periods determined in accordance with the relevant legislation.

However, special categories of personal data are deleted, destroyed or anonymized upon withdrawal of the explicit consent given for processing. However, in this case, the data controller for special personal data transferred to healthcare professionals with the user’s own consent is the relevant healthcare professional, and even if the data is destroyed by bovita, if your personal data is held by these data controllers and if these data controllers have possession of your personal data, bovita will not be subject to any legal action. and does not accept criminal liability.

For what purpose will personal data be processed?

bovita processes users’ personal data for the following purposes:

Identity and Contact Information

Your personal data is processed for purposes such as user agreements, communication, registration processes, business development, customer portfolio management, analysis, marketing, advertising, billing, execution of operational activities, measurement and control of service quality. This is for the purpose of providing and improving our services, preventing fraud, improving customer satisfaction and protecting our legitimate business interests.

Authentication Information

Authentication information is processed to verify the identities of users, take security measures and improve business processes. This is done to protect our legitimate business interests and improve service quality.

Nutrition and Health Data

Nutrition and health data is used to analyze the nutritional level of users and improve our healthcare services. These data are processed with user consent and health information is considered special personal data.

Usage Data and Favorites

Usage data is used to optimize our services, improve customer experience, conduct analytics and identify interests. This data is processed to customize user experience, direct marketing activities and improve service quality.

Site Traffic and Cookie Data

Cookie data is used to improve the browsing experience of our website and to remember user preferences. It is also processed for the purpose of combating internet crimes. This is for processing purposes based on user consent and legitimate business interests.

Sharing with Third Parties

Personal data may be shared with third parties with whom we cooperate to provide, develop and manage our services. This includes service providers, specialists, hospitals, law firms, research companies, call centres, software companies, agencies, consultancies, companies in the printing industry, banks and social media platforms. Additionally, it can be shared with authorized institutions within the framework of legal requirements.

Cookies and Publications on the Internet

The cookies used on our website are used to improve browsing experience and analyze traffic. This data may be shared based on user consent and legitimate business interests.

Data Security and Our Commitments

bovita is committed to protecting personal data securely and takes the following measures in this context:

  •  We take technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security in order to prevent unlawful processing and access of personal data.
  •  We have taken the necessary security measures to ensure the security of special personal data in accordance with the principle decision 2018/10 K. taken by the Personal Data Protection Board regarding the Adequate Precautions to be Taken by Data Controllers in the processing of special personal data.
  •  We take the necessary measures to prevent personal data from being used for purposes other than the purpose for which they are processed and from disclosing personal data to another person.
  •  In case personal data is shared with outsourcing service providers, we carry out the necessary warning and control activities to ensure that these providers comply with the commitments under these articles.

Links and Contents

We would like to point out that if links are given to other applications via bovita, we do not have any responsibility for the privacy policies and contents of these linked applications.

Accuracy of User Information

We ask our users to provide accurate and up-to-date information. If incorrect or incomplete information is provided, bovita company will not have any liability.

Rights of Personal Data Owners

As personal data owners, you have the right to exercise your rights listed in Article 11 of the KVKK. You can use the following methods to exercise these rights:

  •  Your name, surname, and if the application is in writing, your signature,
  •  For Turkish Republic citizens, your Republic of Turkey ID number; if you are a foreign national, your nationality, passport number, or if applicable, your ID number,
  •  Your primary residence or business address for notifications,
  •  If available, your primary email address, phone number, and fax number for notifications,
  •  The subject of your request,

It is mandatory to include this information. Your application must also be accompanied by relevant information and documents regarding the subject.

bovita company reserves the right to verify the information contained in your application.

In this context, as personal data owners, you have the following rights:

  •  To learn whether your personal data is being processed,
  •  If your personal data is being processed, to request information about this processing,
  •  To learn the purpose of the processing of personal data and whether they are being used in line with their purpose,
  •  To know the third parties, both domestically and abroad, to whom personal data are transferred,
  •  To request the correction of your personal data if they are processed incompletely or inaccurately and to request that the relevant process be communicated to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  •  If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your data, you have the right to request the compensation of the damages.

You can use the contact methods mentioned above to exercise these rights. Your applications will be concluded, depending on the nature of the request, as soon as possible and at the latest within thirty days, free of charge.